Saturday, December 5, 2009

Product Review

I was somehow able to talk my AMAZING hubby into shopping with me on Black Friday. In keeping with his amazingness (yes it's a word - even if I made it up) he stood in line at Old Navy for me while I shopped around. That line lasted an hour and a half. See - amazing! Anyway, while I was shopping around, I found these slippers for half off. Down to 2.50 from 5.00. I wear them EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and absolutely love them. I am about to head back and pay *gasp* full price because they are so wonderful. They still allow your feet to breathe, which is my complaint about socks but they aren't as obnoxious as some of the slippers I've been seen sporting in my past.

ps - Old Navy paid me nada for this post. They didn't even throw in the slippers for free. I just love them that much that I had to share the news.

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