Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Operation Lose the Baby/Marriage Weight

I successfully lost 25lbs a few years ago. I credit my success to Weight Watchers and training for a marathon. I then got lazy and the weight started creeping back on. I managed to keep my total gain during my pregnancy to 30lbs and have lost 20 of those pounds so far. Georgette and I have bonded together to get healthy this new year! Nick also wants to lose some weight. Rather than gaining sympathy weight while I was pregnant, Nick seems to have picked up all the pounds I lost post pregnancy. I am holding myself even more accountable by posting weekly updates in this blog for all the world to see. If you don't see an update each week - call me out on it!

So here is the plan:
Join Weight Watchers online - done
Start training for a 5k with the hubs - waiting until Spring so I can push Miss. Mad in her stroller.
30 Day Shred - in progress

The crazy thing - I get an extra 14 points EACH DAY due to breastfeeding. That is a huge amount of food!

Week 0 - Opening Stats (yikes - I can't believe I'm about to publish this!)
Current Weight - 182.2
First goal - 172.9
Final goal - 145.0

Before picture (with a little cuteness to keep you interested)


nlk731 said...

Love, love the tutu on Madelyn!

Georgette said...

I'm so proud of you for posting this :) I'm all about training in the spring as well - I want my mom to run a 5k with me.

Can't wait for our Saturday workouts :)